Thursday, 25 April 2013


I AM SO STOKED. I'll be shooting my first wedding this Saturday at a very beautiful church and a very beautiful reception venue. Oh my goodness, think I'm gonna explode from the excitement. Need to practice on keeping a calm face or else everyone will think I'm mad. Hahaha I can't imagine myself on my own wedding day (if any), since I'm already like this for someone else's wedding. The only sad part is that I won't get to publicize any photos, because the couple wants them private. I just ordered my flashgun.



  1. Yaay! Have fun & good luck! Hugs. haha

  2. good luck, enjoy and have fun joyce!!!! Happy for you XDDDD

  3. :D

    Oh ohh, advise needed Joyce, since you're real good with cameras!
    I want to get a camera, because I'm now using my lousy phone to take the current pictures you see on my site. lol.
    I'm not aiming to get a huge professional DSLR because I like to run around light. I've got my eyes on the Canon S series because I used my friend's S95 once and lovveeedd the pictures taken especially in low light. I was thinking of getting the S110, but then there's the G12 and G15 which seems like they're better for a slightly larger size and slightly higher price. Wonder if you would know or used them before, and can tell me if there's a whole lot of difference between the 3 cameras. Don't know which to get :\
    Thank youuu!

    1. Heya! Hmm.. to be honest I'm not very good with tech stuff! I would love to get a compact digital cam myself 'cos it's way more convenient for travelling but unfortunately I need to save up a lot more before even thinking about it :(

      Canon and Nikon are generally good camera brands, so you should be heading the right direction! If I were you, I won't get the newest model, because they're usually expensive, the slightly older models would have just as great specs but usually a lot cheaper. I guess it also depends on what you're looking for - I just checked out G12 and G15. G15 seems lovely!!! Can definitely take super good photos in low light, even better than my current DSLR haha! And with the G15 you can get the blurry background effect that DLSRs can take. Besides that G15 is cheaper also (I'm not sure why that's the case, hmm). Now i want a G15 hahaha!

      G12 looks good if you're aiming for nice close up photos. I know some wedding photographers have it to take photos of wedding rings, etc. Hmm not sure about the S95, looks like a pro cam too.

      I'm sorry I can't be of much help! Looking forward to see photos from your new cam, whichever one it may be! :)

    2. Oh if I may add, the G12 and S95 can also get the "blurry effect", so don't get me wrong about those 2 cams. Just that G15 has the biggest aperture/opening, which also means that it works best with low light conditions among the 3 (I can also sort of say that it can produce the "blurri-est" bg effect among the 3).

      Hope that somewhat helps!

    3. Just found out that currently, G15 is said to be overpriced, so maybe it's not so much of a good choice. S110 apparently has the best reviews for worth-the-money kind of good camera, so maybe you made the right decision all along :)

    4. mmmM! Thank you so much for your help! I guess now I know what I wanna get. Next is to check how much I've saved for it.... T_T
