I thought that the afternoon looked lovely (for a mere 10 minutes really) and so I got my camera out and wanted to get some random shots around the house. It was between classes, so Nicole and I had less than an hour to spare.
Little did we know, the neighbourhood cat Charlie came dashing in when we opened the door and decided to explore our living space all by himself. We tried to coax him out but into our kitchen he went – right into the tiny room below our staircase (we call it the Harry Potter room) and made himself comfortable there.
When Charlie started wagging his little ass around, we were very well convinced that he might just poop right in front of our fridge. Nic carried that fatty out there and then, and so the odd-eyed kitty got officially kicked out, ha!
I've always wondered whether or not Charlie might be a wizard cat, but today I found out that the reason for the different eye colours is because of this!
Random afternoon, but fun times! Happy Tuesday guys!

Thanks for sharing about the odd-eyed cat thing. It's actually my first time seeing a cat with two different eye color. amazing and weird at the same time. But ahhh the cat is so cute I wanna squeeze it.