Friday, 18 January 2013

Food Friday

Omg it's Friday already!

I would usually be excited that the weekend is here, but I'm in the midst of my exams and they aren't very exciting at all. The only bright side is that I've got two papers left. I don't usually drink coffee but I had a cup last night and another this morning just before the exam, and now I cannot take a nap even though I really want to.

In my efforts to organise things a little, I'm going to start dedicating my Fridays' posts to weekly homemade meals.

Breakfast this week was all about yoghurt, cherries, dried currants and shredded wheat.

Noodles are the fastest meals. I had two types of pasta - pappardelle and vermicelli, and some carrots, mushrooms, mincedmeat and pork rashers to go with it.

How I like my egg done
Homemade meatballs: mincemeat simply seasoned with sesame oil, salt and pepper

Since I anticipated a hectic week, I stocked the cupboard with all kinds of canned fish.  Tunas, sardines, pilchards (I've never heard of it before this, please forgive my lack of knowledge), everything. 

I'm not sure if canned food can be considered as healthy meals (to keep up with the new year's resolution), but because the facts of Omega-3 goodness of fish were printed on the labels, I didn't feel too bad anymore. Also, there wasn't any mayonaise in the fridge, so I experimented with yoghurt and yellow mustard - it tasted not bad I promise! 

Hah! And that was me surviving exam week with student meals!

Do you have January exams too? How did it go?

p.s. Staring out of my window today feels like staring into a snow globe. The snow flakes actually whirl around and get swept off by the wind, just like when you turn over the globe and turn it back upright.

Maybe if I look close enough I might be able to spot a snow fairy passing by. x

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